Scotia-Glenville Little League
Dear Local Business Owner:
Scotia-Glenville Little League provides approximately 250 boys and girls the opportunity to play baseball in a safe and fun environment while learning the fundamentals of baseball from numerous volunteers made up of many coaches and board members. Our volunteers spend countless hours ensuring our fields and facilities are safe, clean and well maintained for our league. Scotia-Glenville Little League relies on the financial support of our community members to continue to provide our league families with affordable registration fees and a great Little League experience. Scotia-Glenville Little League needs your help to ensure a successful 2025 baseball season. Please see the attached to review our 2025 sponsorship form which details the sponsorship levels. Thank you for your support in another exciting season! SGLL is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization.
Please complete this form and mail with payment by 2/28/25 to:
Scotia-Glenville Little League
℅ Nicole Pedone SGLL Treasurer
568 Maura Lane
Glenville, NY 12302
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me: Matt Loatman President of SGLL at [email protected] (518) 331-7612 or Eric Francis League Director [email protected] (518) 339-8541
2025 Sponsor Form Please Make Checks payable to: Scotia-Glenville Little League
Please make your selection from:
Sponsor:________________________________ Address:________________________________
Telephone:_______________________________ Contact:_________________________________
Email:___________________________________ Amount Enclosed:_________________________
*Please attach a logo or sketch and wording for the design of your sign*
Scotia-Glenville Little League Sponsorship Levels (Annually)
"The Home Run” Sponsorship $1,000
Outfield fence sign on one of our fields for the year. This includes the cost/maintenance of the sign
Companies Ads and/or sales mentioned during Major games
Team sponsorship
Plaque with team picture
Company will be recognized as a supporter in our opening day program
Company logo displayed on LL website
“The Triple” Sponsorship $500
Outfield fence sign on one of our fields for the year. This includes the cost/maintenance of the sign
Team sponsorship
Plaque with team picture
Company will be recognized as a supporter in our opening day program
Company logo displayed on LL website
“The Double” Sponsorship $400
Team sponsorship
Plaque with a team picture
Company will be recognized as a supporter in our opening day program
Company logo displayed on LL website
“The Single” Sponsorship $300
Outfield fence sign on one of our fields for a year. This includes the cost/maintenance of the sign
Company will be recognized as a supporter in our opening day program
Company logo displayed on LL website
“The Sac Fly” Sponsorship $125
Help support a player who is unable to pay their registration fees by providing sponsorship
Company will be recognized as a supporter in our opening day program
Company logo displayed on LL website